Sunday, December 27, 2009

Why Do People Rely On Liposuction Instead Of Losing The Weight Naturally?

Why on earth do people get liposuction done or any other surgery to get rid of fat? Unless you have pounds of loose skin, what is the point? Why can't they just eat healthier and exercise to lose that fat?

What would you do if the average healthy weight loss when you're not losing muscle but only pure fat is 1-2 pounds a week, and you have 150+ to lose……exactly. Get the liposuction.
Unless you want to work out constantly for the next couple of years with minimal results, if any at all, like it is for most people.
And if it was just eat healthy and exercise, believe me, a lot more people would be skinny. So many other factors come into losing weight that those two factors above will never accomplish the goal alone.
Especially when the body is designed to hold onto weight with all of its will, due to prevention of starvation, and if you go below a certain amount of calories, your body goes into starvation mode and then it is almost impossible to lose weight.
Again, get the liposuction. I would do it if I could afford it. But its good ol' exercising and eating like a rabbit with minimal results for me.

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