Sunday, December 27, 2009

Can Liposuction Be Used To Reduce Weight To Get Into The Guard Or Military?

I have a friend that is talking seriously about getting liposuction done to help him lose part of the 90 lbs he needs to lose to get into the military.
Obviously its not authorized or suggested, I think he's planning to not tell them.
Ideas? Is he right -will it work?
What are the moral implications?

Who says lipo is not authorized? Just as long as he's recovered and medically cleared, And he has the paper work from the doctor to prove it. There shouldnt be a problem. Its not against the military to get lipo. But i wouldnt suggest not telling them. Theres no reason not to. Besides what happens if (knock on wood) something happens in the future thats related to the surgery medically, then he's caught. Then hes in trouble for lying to the military in the first place. I wouldnt suggest it.
Besides if he's got the money why not?
Okay- that regulation is from the army. The only way to really check is to just call the recruiter from the service that he wants to join. And double check with them. you dont have to give them any info. Its just a yes or no question.

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