Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Liu YiFei









Tuesday, July 21, 2009

the use of bamboo production car

Lijiang Old Town

Lijiang Old Town, Is a good view of Lijiang

Hutong Renovations in Beijin

The Beijing government has started a new round of demolitions and renovations of the hutong homes in the Dongcheng District. We spoke to neighbors and found out that most residents will move back into their homes, which are being renovated at the government's expense, to make them safer and replace coal heating systems with electric. The downside is that these low-income residents, who rent from the government, were only given two weeks notice and had to find their own alternative housing and move at their own expense. Some say this is part of a Chinese stimulus plan and neighbors complain that the government is cutting corners to get the job done quickly. The government promises that it will take no longer than four months, and more like two months, to finish the project. Considering that most of the homes are being demolished with sledgehammers powered by migrant labor, they are coming down mighty fast.

I'd like to learn English from you.

I'd like to learn English from you.
thank you for your help。

I gave Tom the book.
I gave the book to Tom.