Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Great Wall of the complete picture

Tianjin Binhai Aircraft Carrier Theme Park to hold 1st Kite Festival

Tianjin Aircraft Carrier Theme Park will hold the 1st Kite Festival from Apr. 4th to 6th. A total of 6000 kites will be offered for visitors for free. Kite performances, kite-related knowledge are offered as well.

Friend in Beijing

Among the activities open to visitors at the lake are jet skiing

Among the activities open to visitors at the lake are jet skiing, speed boating, yachting, paddle boats, banana boats, aqua bikes, aqua planning and pirate ships. And if the water borne stuff wasn’t enough, the nearby amusement park complete with bungee jumping, BMX biking, and a dance floor and sculpture park, will make sure there really is something for all the family!

Beijing's Water Wonderland

Yanxi Lake is a huge pristine body of water that finds itself the setting of some of the best water bound adventures in the whole of Beijing in spring, early summer and into the autumn. Surrounded on three sides by mountains, visitors are treated to views of the Great Wall to the north, red-roofed temples to the west and the north China plains to the south. From March through the golden turn of the leaves in October, the lake nestles in stunning natural scenery that will not fail to take your breath away.

Located in Huairou district, just north of Huairou town, Yanxi Lake is not merely a gorgeous scenic spot, but also somewhere for Beijingers to escape the heat and smog of the metropolis to come for some thrills and spills water borne action.

Friday, April 24, 2009


a few=有些,几个
a great/good deal of=大量(的),许多
a little=一点,稍;一些,少许
a lot of=大量(的), 很多(的)
a matter of=(关于...)的问题;大约
a number of=若干
a series of=一系列,一连串
a variety of=种种,各种
able to=能,会
above all=首先,尤其
above all=首先,首要
according to=根据
account for=说明(原因等)
accustomed to=习惯于
add up to=合计,总计
after a while=过了一分,不久
after all=终于,毕竟;虽然这样
ahead of=在...前面,先于
ahead of time=提前
all at once=突然,同时,一起
all out=全力以赴,竭尽全力
all over=遍及,到处
all right=行,可以;顺利,良好
all right=好,行
all round=周围, 处处
all the same=仍然,照样地
all the time=一直,始终
allow for=考虑到
along with=与...一起
and so forth=等等
and so on=等等
and so on/forth=等等
and then=而且,其欠,于是,然后
anything but=除...之外的任何东西
around the clock=昼夜不停地
arrive at=达成,提出
as a matter of fact=其实,事实上
as a result=结果,因此, 由于...的结果
as a rule=规章,规则,通常,照例
as far as/so far as=远至,到...程度
as follows=如下
as for=至于,就...方面说
as good as=和...几乎一样,实际上等于
as if=好像,仿佛
as long as /so long as=只要,如果
as regards=关于,至于
as soon as=一...就,刚...便
as though=好像
as though=好像,仿佛
as to=至于,关于
as usual=像往常一样,照例
as well=也,又
as well=同样地
as well as=(除...之处)也,即...又
as well as=既...又,除...之处(还)
as yet=到目前为止,到那时为止像...一样
Aside from=除...以外
ask after=询问,问候
ask for=请求,要求
at (the) best=充其量,至多
at (the) worst=在最坏的情况下
at a loss=因惑, 不知所措
at a time=每次,一次
at all=完全,根本
at all costs=不借任何代价,无论如何
at all events=无论为何
at any rate=无论如何,至少
at first=最初,首先
at first sight=乍一看,初看起来
at hand=在手边,在附近,即将到来
at heart=在内心,实质上
at home=在家,在国内;自在,自如
at intervals=不时,时时
at large=一般,大体上
at last=最,终于
at least=至少,最低限度
at length=终于,最后;详细地
at no time=从不,决不
at once=立刻,马上
at one time=同时,曾经,从前曾
at present=目前,现在
at random=随机地
at stake=在危险中,利害攸关
at the cost of=以...为代价
at the mercy of=在...支配下
at the moment=现在,此刻
at the same time=但是,然而
at times=有时
at work=在工作,忙于
attached to=附属于,隶属于
back and forth=来回,往返,来来往往地
back down/off=放弃,让步,退却
back of=在...后部,在...背部
back up=支持,授助;倒退,后退
be about to=即将
be absorbed in=专心于
be bound to=到...去的,开往...的
be concerned with=关心, 挂念,从事于
be fed up (with )=对...腻烦
be friends with=对...友好,与...交上朋友
be made up of=由...组成
bear/keep in mind=记住
because of=由于,因为
before long=不久以后
begin with=从...开始
break away (from)=脱离,逃跑
break down=损坏,分解,瓦解
break in=强行进入,闯入;打断,插嘴
break into=闯入
break off=断绝,结束
break out=逃出,突然发生,爆发
break through=突破
break up=中止,结束;打碎,拆散
break down=垮,衷竭;损坏,故障,倒塌
bring about=带来,造成
bring down=打倒,挫伤;降低
bring forth=产生,提出
bring forward=提出
bring out=使出现,使显明;公布,出版
bring to=使恢复知觉
bring up=教育,培养,使成长
bring/carry into practice=实施,实行
build up== 积累,堵塞;树立, 增进,锻炼
burn out=烧掉
burn up==烧起来,旺起来;烧完,烧尽
but for=除...以外,倘没有,除非
by all means=无论如何
by chance=偶然,碰巧
by comparison=比较起来
by far=...得多,最
by hand=用手
by heart=牢记,凭记忆
by itself=独自,单独
by means of=用...办法
by mistake=错误地
by no means=决不
by oneself=独自地,单独地
by reason of=由于
by the way=顺便提一下,另处
by turns=轮流,交替地
by virtue of=由于
by way of=经由,通过...方式
call for=邀请;要求,需要
call forth=唤起,引起;振作起,鼓起
call off=放弃,取消
call on/upon=访问,拜访;号召,呼吁
call up召集,动员;打电话;镇静的,沉着的
can't /couldn't help=禁不住;不得不
Care for=照管,关心;喜欢,意欲
carry off=夺去
carry on=继续下去,坚持下去;从事,经营
carry out=贯彻,执行,实现
carry/bring into effect=使生效,使起作用
catch fire=着火
catch on=理解,明白
catch one's breath=屏息,歇口气
catch one's eye=引人注目
catch sight of=发现,突然看见
catch up with=追上,赶上
check in=办理登记手续
check out== 结帐后离开;检查,核查
check up / (up)on=校对,检查,检验
cheer up=使高兴,使振奋;振作起来
clear away=扫聊,收拾
clear up=整理,收拾;清除,解除;解
come around=来访,前来;苏醒,复原
come off=实现,成功,终于
come on=请,来吧,快点,来临;出场,上演
come out=出版,出现,显露,长出;结果是
come through=经历,脱险
come to=总计,达到;苏醒,复原
come to the point=说到要点,扼要地说
come true=实现,达到
come up=走近,上来;发生,被提出
come up to=达到,符合
come up with=提出,提供
come/go into force=生效,实施
come/go into operation=开始运转,开工把...比作
count on=依靠,期待,指望
count up=把...相加
cover up=掩饰,掩盖
Credit card=信用卡
cross out=删去,取消
cut across=走捷径,抄近路
cut back=削减,减少
cut down=削减,降低
cut in=(汽车)抢挡;插嘴,打断
cut off=切断,使隔绝;删去;打断,停止
cut out=删除
cut short=突然停止
cut short=中断,简化

deal with=处理,对付,安排
derive from=导出;由...来
die down===渐渐消失,平息
die out=消灭, 灭绝
do away with=废除,去掉
do without=没有...也行
do/try one's best=尽力,努力
double up=弯腰,把...折起来
draw in=(火车,汽车)到站
draw up=写出,画出;草拟;停住
dress up=穿上盛装,打扮得漂漂亮亮
drop by/in=顺便来访
drop off=减弱,减少
drop out=退出,离队
due to== 由于,因为
each other=互相
enjoy oneself=过得快乐
even if/ though=即使,虽然
even then=即使那样,边...都
ever since=从那时起,自那时以来
every now and then=有时,时时,偶尔
every other=每隔一个的
except for=除...之外
face to face=面对面地
face up to=大胆面对
fail to=未能
fair play=公平的竞赛,公平对待,光明磊落
fall in love (with)=相爱,爱上
far from=远非,远离
feel like=欲,想要
fill in /out=填充,填写
find fault=埋怨,挑剔
find out=查明
first of all=首先,第一
flare up=突然燃起来;突然发怒
for (the) purpose of=为了
for a moment=片刻,一会儿
for a while=暂时,一时
for ever=永远
for example=例如
for good=永久地
for instance=例如,举例说
for long=长久地
for one thing=首先,一则
for short=简称,缩写
for the moment=现在,暂时
for the present=目前,暂时
for the sake of=为了...起见,看在...的份上
for the time being=目前,暂时
from time to time=有时,不时
gain/have an advantage=胜过,优于
get across=解释清楚,使人了解
get along/on with=有进展,有进步;生活得
get around/round=走动,旅行(消息)传开
get around/round to=找时间做,开始考虑
get at=得到,接近;意思是
get away=逃脱,离开
get by=通过,经过
get down=从...下来;写下
get down to=开始,着手
get hold of=抓住,掌握
get in=进入;收获,收集
get into=进入,陷入
get off=从...下来,离开,动身,开始
get out of=逃避,改掉
get over=克服,(从病中)恢复过来
get rid of=摆脱, 除去
get the best of=胜过
get the better of=打败,智胜
get the better of=占上风,胜过
get through=结束,完成;接通电话
get together=集合,聚集
get up=起床,增加
get/learn by heart=记住,背诵
give away=泄露;赠送
give back=送还,恢复
give in=交上;投降,屈服
give off=放出,释放
give oneself away=泄露,露马脚
give oneself up=自首,投降,投案
give out=分发,放出
give rise to=引起,使发生;造成
give up=停止,放弃
give way=让路,让步
give way to=给...让路/让步;被...代替
go after=追求
go ahead=开始,前进,领先
go along with=陪同前往,随行
go back on=违背
go by=过去
go down=下降,降低;被载人,传下去
go for=竭力想取得,喜爱,支持,拥护
go in for=从事,致力于,追求,沉迷于
go into=进入,研究,调查
go off=爆炸,发射;动身,离开
go on=继续,发生
go out=外出,熄灭
go over=检查,审查;复习,重温
go through=经历,经受,详细检查
go under=下沉,沉没;失败,破产
go up=上升,增加 ;建起
go with=伴随,与...协调
go without=没有...也行
go wrong=发生故障,出毛病
good for=有效,适用,胜任
had better=最好还是,应该
hand down=留传下来,传给,往下传
hand in=交上,递交
hand in hand=携手;结合起来,联合
hand on=传下来,依次传递
hand out=分发,散发,发给
hand over=交出,移交,让与
hang about=闲荡
hang back=踌躇不前,退缩
hang on=持续,坚持下去
hang up=挂,吊<物>,拖延...,中止,搁置
hardly any=几乎没有,几乎什么也不
have in mind=记住,考虑到, 想到
have nothing to do with=和...毫无关系
have on=穿着,戴着
have something to do with=和...有点关系
have to/have got to=不得不,必须
have... to do with=与...有关
have/gain access to=可以获得
head for=出发,动身,前往
head on=朝前,迎面
heart and soul=全心全意
help oneself=自取所需(食等)
here and there=处处
hold back=跨躇,退缩;阻止,抑制
hold on=继续,掘住不放
hold on to=紧紧抓住,坚持
hold out=维持,支持;坚持,不屈服
hold up=举起,阻挡, 使停止;抢劫,拦截
hot dog=红肠面包,小红肠
how about=...如何,...怎样
how do you do=你好
hurry up=(使)赶紧,(使)匆忙,仓促
I.D. card=身份证
if only=只要
improve on=改进
in (the )future=今后,将来
in a hurry=匆忙地,立即
in a moment=立刻,马上
in a sense=从某种意义上说
in a way=在某点,在某种程度上
in a word=总而言之
in accordance with=与....一致
in addition=另外
in addition to=除...之外
in advance=提前,预先
in all=总共,共计
in any case=无论如何,总之
in any event=无论如何
in brief=简单地说,简言之
in bulk=散装;大批,大量
in case=假如,以防(万一),免得
in case of=假使,万一
in charge of=负责,主管
in common=共用,共有,共同
in conclusion=最后,总之
in connection with/to=关于
in consequence=因此,结果
in consequence of=由于...的缘故
in contrast with/to=与...成反比
in danger=在危险中,垂危
in debt=欠债,欠情
in detail=详细地
in difficulty ties=困难,困境,难题
in effect=有效;实际上
in essence=大体上,本质上
in excess of=超过
in fact=其实,实际上
in favour of=有利于,有利的,顺利的
in force=有效,实施中
in front of=在...前面
in general=通常,大体上
in hand=在掌握中,在控制中
in honour of=为纪念,向...表示敬意
in itself=本身
in line=成一直线,排成一行
in line with=和...成直线,排成一行
in memory of=纪念
in nature=本质上
in no case=决不
in no time=立即,马上
in no way=决不
in one's way/in the way=妨碍,阻碍
in order=秩序井然,整齐
in order that=以便
in order to=以便,为了
in other words=换句话说,也就是说
in particular=特别地,尤其,详细地
in person=亲自
in place=在适当的位置
in place of=代替
in practice=在实践中,实际上
in proportion (to)=(与...)成比例的
in public=公开地, 当众
in question=正在考虑
in return=作为回报,作为报答
in secret=秘密地,私下地
in sequence=依次,逐一
in shape=处于良好状态
in short=简言之,总之
in sight=在望,看得见
in spite of=不管,不顾,尽管,虽然
in stock=现有,备有
in sum=总而言之
in tears=流着泪
in terms of=依据,按照;用...措词
in the air=在流行中,在传播中
in the course of=在...过程中,在...期间
in the distance=在远处
in the end=最后,终于
in the event of=万一,如果发生
in the face of=面对,在...面前;不顾,即使
in the first place=起初,首先
in the last place=最后
in the least=一点,丝毫
in the light of=按照,根据
in the long run=最终,从长远观点看来
in the past=在过去
in the way of=妨碍
in the world=到底,究竟
in time=及时,适时地
in truth=实际上,的确
in turn=依次,轮流
in vain=徒劳,无效
in/with relation to=关系到
instead of=代替,而不是
just now=刚才,一会儿以前
keep an eye on=留意,照看
keep back=阻止,阻挡;隐瞒,保留
keep company with=与...交往,与...结伴
keep down=控制,压制,镇压;放低(声音)
keep from=使...不(做)
keep house=管理家务,做家务
keep in touch=保持联系
keep off=不接近,避开
keep on=继续不断,保持
keep one's head=保持镇静
keep one's word=守信用
keep out of=躲开,置身...之外
keep to=坚持,保持
keep track=通晓事态,注意动向
keep up=保持,维持;继续进行,坚持
keep up with=向...看齐,跟上...
keep/hold pace with=跟上,与...同步
knock down=撞倒, 击倒
knock out=击倒, 击昏
known as=被认为是,被称为
lay aside=把<东西> (暂时地) 堆置一边
lay down=安装、建造、铺设
lay off=解雇
lay out=陈列,布局
lead the way=带路,引路
leave alone=不管
leave behind==遗落
leave out=遗漏, 略去
lend itself to=适宜于,对...有用
let alone=听其自然;更不用说
let alone=不干涉;更不用说
let down=放下,降低;使失望
let go=放开,松开
let in=让...进入,放...进来
let loose=放开,放松,释放
let off=放(炮,烟火),开(枪);宽
let out=恕,从宽处理;免除
lie in=在于
line up=排队,使排成一行
little by little=逐渐地
live on /by=靠...生活,以......为食
live through=度过,经受过
look after=照管,照料
look at=看望,注视
look back=回顾,回头看
look down on=看不起,轻视
look for=寻找,寻求
look forward to=盼望,期待
look in=顺便看望
look into=调查,观察,过问,窥视
look on=帝观,观看;看待;视作
look out=留神,注意,提防,警惕
look over=检查,查看,调查
look through=仔细杳看,浏览,温习
look up=查阅,查考;寻找(某人)
look up to=尊敬,敬仰
lose heart=丧失勇气,失去信心
lose one's head=不知所措
lost one's temper=发怒,发脾气
lost track=失去联系
lots of=大量,很多
make a face=做鬼脸
make a/the difference=有影响, 很重要
make believe=假装
make for=走向,驶向;有助于,有利于
make friends=交朋支,友好相处
make fun of=取笑;嘲弄
make one's way=前进,行进
make out=辨认,区分;理解,开列,书写
make progress=进步
make sense=讲得通,有意义,言之有理
make sure=确认
make sure of/that=确信;确定,务必
make the best of=充分利用,妥善处理
make the most of=尽量利用
make up=构成,组成,拼凑;弥补
make up for=补偿,弥补
make up one's mind=下决心
make use of=利用
make way=开路,让路
mark time=原地跳步,停止不前,抢延
matter of fact=实情情况,真相
mix up=混合,混淆,搞糊涂
more and more=越来越
more or less=或多或少
never mind=不要紧,没关系
next door=隔壁的
no doubt=无疑,必定
no less than=不亚于
no longer=T]'l08g2=不再,已不
no matter=无论
no more=不再
no more than=不过,仅仅,和...一样不
no sooner...than=不久,即刻;早,快
no wonder=难怪,怪不得
not as/不如...那样
not at all=一点也不
not only ...but (also)=不仅...而且...
nothing but=只是,不过是
now and then=时而,不时
now that=既然,由于
occur to=被想到,被想起
of course=T]2v'k0:s=当然,自然,无疑
off and on=断断续续,不时地
off duty=下班
on (the/an) average=平均,一般说来
on a large scale=大规模地
on a small scale=小规模地
on account of=因为,由于
on behalf of=代表,为了
on board=在船(车,飞机)上
on business=因公,因事
on condition that=在...条件下
on duty=值班,上班
on earth=究竟
on fire=着火
on foot=步行
on guard=警惕,防范
on hand=在手边,临近
on occasion=有时,不时
on one's honour=以名誉担保
on one's own=独自地,独立地
on purpose=故意,有意
on sale=出售,贱卖
on schedule=按预定时间
on second thoughts=经重新考虑,一转念
on the basis of=根据,在...的基础上
on the contrary=反之,正相反
on the point of=即将...的时候
on the road=在旅途中
on the side=作为兼职,额外
on the sly=偷偷地,冷不防地
on the spot=当场,在现场
on the whole=总的来说
on time=准时
on top of=在...之上
once (and )for all=一劳永逸,限此一次
once in a while=偶尔,有时
once more=再一次,又一次
once upon a time=从前
one after another=一个接一个
one another=相互
or else=否则,要不然
or so=大约,左右
other than=不同于
out of=丧失,失去;缺乏,没有
out of breath=喘不过气来,上气不接下气
out of control=失去控制
out of danger=脱离危险
out of date=过时
out of doors=在户外
out of order=发生故障 ,失调
out of place=不得其所的,不适当的
out of practice=久不练习,荒疏
out of sight=看不见,在视野之外
out of step=步调不一致,不协调
out of touch=失去联系
out of work=失业
pass away=去世,逝世
pass off=中止,停止
pass out=失去知觉,昏倒
pay attention to=注意
pay back=偿还,回报
pay off=还清(债), 给清工资后遗散
pay up=全部付清
pick out=挑出,选出
pick up=拾起,拣起;中途带人
play with player=以...为消遣, 玩弄
point out=指出
post office=邮局
primary school=小学
pull down=拆毁,拉倒; 拉下,降低
pull in=(车)停下,进站,(船)到岸
pull off=脱(帽、衣等)
pull on=穿、戴
pull out=拔出,抽出,取出;(车、船等)驶出;(车辆)减速
pull up=(使)停下
put across=解释清楚,说明
put aside=储存,保留
put away=放好,收好;储存
put down=记下,放下;镇压,平定
put forward=提出
put in=驶进
put in for=申请
put in order=整理,检修
put into effect=实行,生效
put off=推迟,推延
put on=穿上,戴上;上演;增加(体重)
put out=熄灭,消灭,关灯;出版,发布;生产
put to use=使用,利用
put up=提出,举起,升起,提价;建造
put up with=容忍,忍受
put/bring into operation=使投入生产,使运转
quite a few=还不少,有相当数目的
quite a little=相当多,不少
refer to=参考,查阅,涉及,提到,把...提交
refer to把...称作,把...当作
right away=立即,马上
ring off=挂断电话
rub out=擦掉,试去
run down=撞倒,停掉,撞沉;追捕,追
run for=竞选
run into=撞上,偶然碰见
run off=复印,打印
run out of=用完,用尽,耗尽
run over=溢出,满出;略读,略述;辗过,
run short=用完,耗尽
scrape through=擦过,勉强通过
see through=看透,看破
see to=负责,注意
send for=派人去请,召唤,索取
send in=呈报,提交,送来
serve as=作为,用作
serve right=活该;给应得的待遇
set about=开始,着手
set aside=挑出,拨出,留出;拒绝
set back=推迟,延缓,阻碍
set down=卸下,放下,记下,记入
set fire to=点燃
set forth=阐明,陈述
set free=释放
set off=出发,动射 ,引起,使发生
set out=陈列,显示;动身,起程;制定
set out to=打算,着手
set up=创立,建立,树立;资助,扶持
settle down=定居,过安定的生活
show in=领入
show off=炫耀,卖弄
show up=使吴现,使醒目
shut out=把...关在外面,使...不能进入
sick of=厌烦
sit for=参加
sit in=列席,旁听
sit up=迟睡,熬夜
so to=结果是;如此...以至于
so far=迄今为止
so that=以便,为的是;结果是,以致
sooner or later=迟早,总有一天,早晚
speed up=加速
stand by=支持,帮助,站在一边;袖手旁观
stand for=代替,代表,意味着
stand out=突击,显眼
stand up=站起来,耐用
stand up for=为...辩护,维护
stand up to=勇敢地面对,坚决抵抗,经得起
start from scratch=从头做起,从零开始
step by step=逐步
step in=插入,介入
step up=左 提高,加快,加紧
stick out=伸出,突出;坚持到底,继续
stick to=坚持,忠于,信守
such as=例如
sum up=总结,概括
take ...for granted=认为...理所当然
take a chance=冒险一试
take advantage of=利用,趁...之机
take after=与...相像
take away=清除,清耗
take care of=照顾,照料;承担,处理,负责
take charge of=担任,负责
take delight in=以...为乐
take down=记下,写下
take effect=生效,起作用
take for=把...认为是,把...看成是
take in=接受,吸收;了解,理解;欺骗
take off=拿走,脱下;起飞
take on=呈现,具有,装出;接纳,承担,从事
take one's time=不急不忙,从容进行
take over=接管,接办
take pains=尽务,煞费苦心
take part in=参加
take place=发生,进行
take the place of=代替
take to=喜欢,亲近
take turns=轮流
take up=占去,占据;开始从事;拿起,接收
take...into account=考虑
talk back=回嘴,顶嘴
talk into=说服
thanks to=由于,幸亏
the moment (that)=一...就
the same as=与...一致,与...相同
think better of=重新价
think of把...看作是,以为...是
think over=仔细考虑...
throw away=扔掉,抛弃
throw/cast light on=使明白,阐明
to and fro=来来回回
to the point=切中要害,切题
touch on=关系到,涉及
touch up=润色,改进
trolley bus=电车=
try on=试穿
try out=试验
tune in (to)=调谐,收听
turn down=关小,调低;拒绝,搌斥
turn in=交出,上缴;转身进入,拐入
turn into=变成

Monday, April 20, 2009


1.I’m an office worker. 我是上班族。
2.I work for the government. 我在政府机关做事。
3.I’m happy to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
4.I like your sense of humor. 我喜欢你的幽默感。
5.I’m glad to see you again. 很高兴再次见到你。
6.I’ll call you. 我会打电话给你。
7.I feel like sleeping/ taking a walk. 我想睡/散步。
8.I want something to eat. 我想吃点东西。
9.I need your help. 我需要你的帮助。
10.I would like to talk to you for a minute. 我想和你谈一下。
11.I have a lot of problems. 我有很多问题。
12.I hope our dreams come true. 我希望我们的梦想成真。
13.I’m looking forward to seeing you. 我期望见到你。
14.I’m supposed to go on a diet / get a raise. 我应该节食/涨工资。
15.I heard that you’re getting married. Congratulations.听说你要结婚了,恭喜!
16.I see what your mean. 我了解你的意思。
17.I can’t do this. 我不能这么做。
18.Let me explain why I was late. 让我解释迟到的理由。
19.Let’s have a beer or something. 咱们喝点啤酒什么的。
20.Where is your office? 你们的办公室在哪?
21.What is your plan? 你的计划是什么?
22.When is the store closing? 这家店什么时候结束营业?
23.Are you sure you can come by at nine? 你肯定你九点能来吗?
24.Am I allowed to stay out past 10? 我可以十点过后再回家吗?
25.The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is not over yet. 会议原定了两个小时,不过现在还没有结束。
26.Tom’s birthday is this week. 汤姆的生日就在这个星期。
27.Would you care to see it/ sit down for a while? 你要不要看/坐一会呢?
28.Can you cover for me on Friday/help me/ tell me how to get there? 星期五能不能请你替我个班/你能帮我吗/你能告诉我到那里怎么走吗?
29.Could you do me a big favor? 能否请你帮我个忙?
30.He is crazy about Crazy English. 他对疯狂英语很着迷。
31.Can you imagine how much he paid for that car?你能想象他买那车花了多少钱吗?
32.Can you believe that I bought a TV for $25? 你能相信吗我买一台电视只花了不起5块钱?
33.Did you know he was having an affair/cheating on his wife? 你知道他有外遇了吗?/欺骗他的妻子吗?
34.Did you hear about the new project? 你知道那个新项目吗?
35.Do you realize that all of these shirts are half off? 你知道这些衬衫都卖半价了吗?
36.Do you mind if I take tomorrow off? 你介意我明天请假吗?
37.I enjoy working with you very much. 我很喜欢和你一起工作。
38.Did you know that Stone ended up marrying his secretary? 你知道吗?斯通最终和他的秘书结婚了。
39.Let’s get together for lunch. 让我们一起吃顿午餐吧。
40.How did you do on your test? 你这次考试的结果如何?
41.Do you think you can come? 你认为你能来吗?
42.How was your weekend ? 你周末过得怎么样?
43.Here is my card. 这是我的名片。
44.He is used to eating out all the time. 他已经习惯在外面吃饭了。
45.I’m getting a new computer for birthday present. 我得到一台电脑作生日礼物。
46.Have you ever driven a BMW? 你有没有开过“宝马”?
47.How about if we go tomorrow instead? 我们改成明天去怎么样?
48.How do you like Hong Kong? 你喜欢香港吗?
49.How do you want your steak? 你的牛排要几分熟?
50.How did the game turn out? 球赛结果如何?
51.How did Mary make all of her money? 玛丽所有的钱是怎么赚到的?
52.How was you date?你的约会怎么样?
53.How are you doing with your new boss? 你跟你的新上司处得如何?
54.How should I tell him the bad news? 我该如何告诉他这个坏消息?
55.How much money did you make? 你赚了多少钱?
56.How much does it cost to go abroad? 出国要多少钱?
57.How long will it take to get to your house? 到你家要多久?
58.How long have you been here? 你在这里多久了?
59.How nice/pretty/cold/funny/stupid/boring/interesting.
60.How about going out for dinner? 出去吃晚餐如何?
61.I’m sorry that you didn’t get the job. 很遗憾,你没有得到那份工作。
62.I’m afraid that it’s not going to work out. 我恐怕这事不会成的。
63.I guess I could come over. 我想我能来。
64.Is it okay to smoke in the office? 在办公室里抽烟可以吗?
65.It was kind of exciting. 有点剌激。
66.I know what you want. 我知道你想要什么。
67.Is that why you don’t want to go home? 这就是你不想回家的原因吗?
68.I’m sure we can get you a great / good deal. 我很肯定我们可以帮你做成一笔好交易。
  69.Would you help me with the report? 你愿意帮我写报告吗?
70.I didn’t know he was the richest person in the world.我不知道他是世界上最有钱的人。
71.I’ll have to ask my boss/wife first.我必须先问一下我的老板/老婆。
72.I take it you don’t agree. 这么说来,我认为你是不同意。
73.I tried losing weight, but nothing worked. 我曾试着减肥,但是毫无效果。
74.It doesn’t make any sense to get up so early.那么早起来没有任何意义。
75.It took years of hard work to speak good English. 讲一口流利的英语需要多年的刻苦操练。
76.It feels like spring/ I’ve been here before. 感觉好象春天到了/我以前来过这里。
77.I wonder if they can make it. 我在想他们是不是能办得到。
78.It’s not as cold / hot as it was yesterday. 今天不想昨天那么冷/热。
79.It’s not his work that bothers me; it’s his attitude. 困扰我的不是他的工作,而是他的态度。
80.It sounds like you enjoyed it. 听起来你好象蛮喜欢的。
81.It seems to me that be would like to go back home. 我觉得他好象想要回家。
82.It looks very nice. 看起来很漂亮。
83.Is everything under control? 一切都在掌握之中吗?
84.I thought you could do a better job. 我以为你的表现会更好。
85.It’s time for us to say “No” to America. 是我们对美国说不的时候了。
86.The show is supposed to be good. 这场表演应当是相当好的。
87.It really depends on who is in charge. 那纯粹要看谁负责了。
88.It involves a lot of hard work. 那需要很多的辛勤工作。
89.That might be in your favor. 那可能对你有利。
90.I didn’t realize how much this meant to you. 我不知道这个对你的意义有这么大。
91.I didn’t mean to offend you. 我不是故意冒犯你。
92.I was wondering if you were doing anything this weekend. 我想知道这个周末你有什么要做。
93.May I have your attention., please? 请大家注意一下。
94.This is great golfing / swimming/ picnic weather. 这是个打高尔夫球/游泳/野餐的好天气。
95.Thanks for taking me the movie. 谢谢你带我去看电影。
96.I am too tired to speak. 我累得说不出活来。
97.Would you tell me your phone number? 你能告诉我你的电话号码吗?
98.Where did you learn to speak English? 你从哪里学会说英语的呢?
99.There is a TV show about AIDS on right now. 电视正在播放一个关于爱滋病的节目。
100.What do you think of his new job/ this magazine? 你对他的新工作/这本杂志看法如何?

Thursday, April 16, 2009


To Sanya, you can not go tianyahaijiao, to tianyahaijiao, let you experience that is not you tired of going "the road to the End of the World", just for the child's name at heart.

   "End of the World" is the following two words I do not know what people in the early years minguo left title "haikuotiankong" four characters.

Sanya tourist area the size of the hole is located in Sanya City

Sanya tourist area the size of the hole is located in Sanya City, 40 kilometers west of the southwest where the Nanshan, a total area of 22.5 square kilometers, pillow sea rise steeply for the south of the ancient city of Yazhou barriers. With the coexistence of Nanshan Nanshan Buddhist Cultural Garden at the foot of the mountains lush vegetation, beautiful scenery and close to 30,000 Dracaena (Nanshan not Oimatsu) thick. There are clear mountain spring water and a variety of wild animals, seven kilometers down the mountain coastline of the twists and turns, since ancient times ... ... so-called "seamounts wonders."


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Guilin's Famous Mountains Photo Tour

Guilin is world famous for its amazing scenery, especially its karst mountains. The city of Guilin has five famous mountains that stand out in not only their beauty, but also their historic significance.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Beautiful Li River, Guilin

Guilin's mountains and water, beautiful

Guilin's mountains and water, beautiful


Beijing Hutong (Alleys)

Beijing has about 4,550 alleys, which were scattered around the Forbidden City. Most of the alleys came into being during the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. On both sides of the Hutong (alleys) are traditional siheyuan, the traditional Chinese compound with houses around a courtyard. The face-in structure has been seen as manifestation of the introspective Chinese culture. One of the best ways to visit the alleys is to go by pedicabs. With someone else pedaling for you, you just relax and take a good look at the alleys. The best route for a pedicab tour is around the Prince Gong’s Residence, where there are quite a few interesting alleys like the Dajinsi (Big Golden Line), Xiaojinsi (Little Golden Line), and Liuyin (Willow Shade) alleys.

The Great Wall

The Great Wall is perhaps China’s most famous and most mythologized site. Several sections are conveniently visited from Beijing, including at Badaling, the most popular site, about 70 km (43 mi.) northwest of Beijing and at Mutianyu, 90 km (56 mi.) northeast of Beijing. These impressive brick and earth structures date from the Ming dynasty, when the wall was fortified against Mongol forces to the north. The Ming wall is about 26 feet tall and 23 feet wide at the base, and could accommodate up to six horsemen riding abreast. Watch towers were built on high points every 200-300 meters or so with small garrison forces that could communicate with fire signals or fireworks. These stretches of the wall are part of a system that extends from the Shanhaiguan fortress on the Bohai Gulf in the east to the Jiayuguan fortress in the west, altogether some 6000 km (3700 mi).
The Ming sections of the wall are only a late stage in a long history, much of which has little to do with the present structures. The wall is most often associated with the First Emperor of China (Qin Shi Huangdi, reigned 221-210 BC), who after unifying China by conquest undertook to link up previously existing sections of walls belonging to conquered states, but on a course far to the north of the present wall. The First Emperor mobilized massive conscripted labor forces, including convicts and prisoners, by some accounts up to a million strong, to conduct this building campaign.
While the Great Wall in its various versions had real military defensive functions, it also served symbolic purposes. For long periods Chinese populations lived north of the wall and nomads or semi-nomads lived south of it. The wall served as a symbolic reminder of dynastic authority and also of cultural distinction between settled agrarian culture and cities on the Chinese side and pastoral horsemen on the other. It continues today to serve as a marker of cultural and national identity.

Summer Palace

Summer PalaceFifteen kilometers (9 miles) to the northwest of Beijing is the Summer Palace. Now a large park of 716 acres, it was formerly the imperial garden retreat from the summer heat of Beijing. Surrounding hills shelter the site, and the Kunming Lake provides a cooling effect. The site was used as an imperial park as early as the mid-12th century, and continued as an imperial garden in the Ming and Qing dynasties. In 1860 Anglo-French forces burned the site to the ground. It was reconstructed by the Empress Dowager Cixi in 1888, using funds that had been reserved for building a modern naval force. The large marble boat that sits immobile by the edge of the lake is an ironic reminder of the waste and mismanagement that led to the decline of the imperial state.

Tian'anmen Square - the world largest

Tiananmen Square Just south of the Forbidden City is Tiananmen Square (The Gate of Heavenly Peace Square), the largest inner-city square in the world that can hold up to a million people. It was cleared in 1958 to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic, replacing an older open space in front of the Gate of Heavenly Peace, the main entrance to the imperial city, that had a longer history of political importance. On May 4, 1919, students demonstrated here against provisions of the Treaty of Versailles following World War I that were considered unfair to China. The May Fourth Movement spawned here was a widespread movement for political and literary modernization that impacted the rest of the century.
After the founding of the People’s Republic, Tiananmen Square became symbolic of the socialist state through the construction in 1959 of the Great Hall of the People on its western side, and the Museums of Chinese History and the Chinese Revolution on its eastern edge. In the same period, a Monument to the People’s Heroes was erected in the center of the square. In addition, following Chairman Mao Zedong’s death in 1976, a Chairman Mao Mausoleum building was erected directly on the main north-south axis of the square. It contains the preserved body of Mao in a crystal sarcophagus, along with a standing marble statue of the Chairman. China’s imperial past, revolutionary history, and political present are all represented vividly in Tiananmen Square.

An Old Street in Downtown Beijing

Beijing is a city of broad boulevards, now full of traffic and pulsating to the rhythms of commerce and entertainment. Museums and parks abound, including the Palace Museum of the Forbidden City and Beihai Park in the center of town. Nearby, the China Fine Arts Museum (Zhongguo meishuguan) exhibits the work of contemporary artists. China’s ancient past and recent history are on view at the Museum of Chinese History and Chinese Revolution at Tiananmen. Antiques, crafts, and books can be found at Liulichang, an old antique market district remodeled in the 1980’s to reflect the style of the old city. Some of the spirit of Old Beijing is also preserved at Qianmen, south of Tiananmen, with stores that date to the early 20th century and beyond, including the Tongrentang Traditional Medicine Shop, first established in 1669. Beijing Opera performances and acrobatic troupes keep those traditional entertainment forms vital, while contemporary music clubs and discos thrive in an era of liberalization and prosperity.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Bird's View of the Forbidden City

As the capital of China, Beijing is one of the world's truly imposing cities, with a 3,000-year history and 15.3 million people (2005). Covering 16,808 square kilometers in area, it is the political, cultural and economic center of the People’s Republic.

Photos of Tangjili underwear(2)

I enjoy

Photos of Tangjili underwear

Photos of tangjili